The Conference Scientific Committee invites you to attend the Italian Crystal Growth – Crystal growth: from Theory to Application Conference (, which will be held in Torino at the University of Torino on 1-2 October 2020.
The aim of the Conference is to promote the meeting of researchers coming from public centers and industries to discuss problems related to the nucleation and growth of crystalline materials in natural, laboratory and industry environment. The Conference is open to subjects working in both experimental and theoretical fields concerning the crystal growth.
The Conference topics will be covered by the following scientific sessions:
– Fundamentals of nucleation and crystal growth: theory, modeling and experiments
– Epitaxy of inorganic materials: fundamentals and applications
– Organic based materials
– Crystallization for the industry
– Crystal growth in biology
– Crystal growth for environment and health
We are looking forward to seeing in Torino many old friends and newcomers from all fields of crystal growth.
The Organizing Committee of ICG2020 Conference
Linda Pastero
Marco Bruno
Nota: Imágenes tomadas de Universidad de Oviedo, Café con Ciencia y CCEM.